Pollen Forecast, 21 December 2000

University of Tulsa
Mountain Cedar Pollen Forecast


Date Issued: 21 December 2000

Mountain Cedar location(s): Ozark Mountains, AR/MO

Regional weather: Thursday, December 21 - TX/OK/AR: Yesterday's front is now south of TX. A dry cold front moving southward through the Plains will bring a reinforcing shot of cold air later today and tonight. Other than some clouds in parts of eastern OK, northwest AR, and southeast TX, all other areas are sunny to partly cloudy today. No precipitation expected through tonight. Highs today and Friday mostly in the 30's to 50's, lows from the 10's north to 40's south.

Trajectory weather: Sunny and breezy today, high in the 30's. Clear tonight, low near 20. Sunny Friday, high in the low 40's.

Trajectory confidence: High

OUTLOOK: *** Low Threat *** Early in the season, though a few cones may be ready to release pollen. Conditions are unfavorable for release today. Temperatures will remain in the 20's near the source region, far below the tolerance range. Humidities are marginal. Winds are moderate to strong, however the other negative factors out-weigh the favorable winds. Very little to no release expected today. Low Exposure Risk. TK

 Trajectory Start(s) (shown by black star on map): Oak Grove, AR

Prepared by: Thomas Keever (Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, NCSU), Estelle Levetin (Faculty of Biological Science, The University of Tulsa, 600 S. College, Tulsa, OK 74104), and C.E. Main (Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7618). This forecast gives the anticipated future track of released Mountain Cedar pollen, weather conditions over the region and along the forecast pathway, and an estimated time of arrival for various metropolitan areas.

Questions: Aerobiology Lab e-mail: pollen@utulsa.edu

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