Papers related to Alternaria exposure

Papers related to Alternaria exposure


Bagni N, Davies RR, Mallea M, Nolard, N, Spieksma FT, Stix E. Sporenkonzentrationen in Städten der Europäischen Gemeninschaft (EG) II Cladosporium- und Alternaria- sporen. Acta Allergologica 1977; 32: 118-138.

Barnes C, Schreiber K, Pacheco F, Landuyt J, Hu F, Portnoy J.  Comparison of outdoor allergenic particles and allergen levels.  Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 2000; 84: 47-54.

Black PN, Udy AA, Brodie SM.  Sensitivity to fungal allergens is a risk factor for life-threatening asthma.  Allergy 2000; 55:  501-504.

Dales RE, Cakmak S, Burnett RT, Judek S, Coates F, Brook JR.  Influence of ambient fungal spore son emergency visits for asthma to a regional children’s hospital.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 162:  2087-2090.

Dales RE, Cakmak S, Judek S, Dann T, Coates F, Brook JR, Burnett RT.  Influence of outdoor aeroallergens on hospitalization for asthma in Canada.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 113: 303-306.

D'Amato G, Spieksma FThM, Aerobiologic and clinical aspects of mould allergy in Europe. Allergy 1995; 50:879-877

Delfino RJ, Zeiger RS, Seltzer JM, Street DH, Matteucci RM, Anderson PR, Koutrakis P.  The effect of outdoor fungal spore concentrations on daily asthma severity.  Environ Health Perspect  1997; 105:  622-635.

Licorish K, Novey HS, Kozak P, Fairshter RD, Wilson AF.  Role of Alternaria and Penicillium spores in the pathogenesis of asthma.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1985; 76:  819-825.

O’Hollaren MT, Yunginger JW, Offord KP, Somers MJ, O’Connell EJ, Ballard DJ, Sachs MI.  Exposure to an aeroallergen as a possible precipitating factor in respiratory arrest in young patients with asthma.  New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 324: 359-363.

Agarwal MK, Swanson MC, Reed CE, Yunginger JW.  Immunochemical quantitation of airborne short ragweed, Alternaria, antigen E and Alt-I allergens:  a two-year prospective study.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 72:  40-45.

Andersson M, Downs S, Mitakakis T, Leuppi J, Marks G.  Natural exposure to Alternaria spores induces allergic rhinitis symptoms in sensitized children.  Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003; 14: 100-105.

Downs SH, Mitakakis TZ, Marks GB, Car NG, Belousova EG, Leuppi JD, Xuan W, Downie SR, Tobias A, Peat JK.  Clinical importance of Alternaria exposure in children.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 164:  455-459.

Gergen PJ, Turkeltaub PC.  The association of individual allergen reactivity with respiratory disease in a national sample:  Data from the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976-80 (NHANES II).  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992; 90: 579-588.

Lewis SA, Corden JM, Forster GE, Newlands M.  Combined effects of aerobiological pollutants, chemical pollutants and meteorological conditions on asthma admissions and A & E attendances in Derbyshire UK, 1993-96.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2000; 30: 1724-1732.