Agarwal MK, Swanson MC, Reed CE, Yunginger JW

Alphabetical List of All Papers in Database

Agarwal MK, Swanson MC, Reed CE, Yunginger JW.  Immunochemical quantitation of airborne short ragweed, Alternaria, antigen E and Alt-I allergens:  a two-year prospective study.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 72:  40-45.

Anderson HR, Ponce de Leon A, Bland JM, Bower JS, Emberlin J, Strachan DP.  Air Pollution, pollens, and daily admissions for asthma in London 1987-92.  Thorax 1998; 53:  842-848.  

Andersson M, Downs S, Mitakakis T, Leuppi J, Marks G.  Natural exposure to Alternaria spores induces allergic rhinitis symptoms in sensitized children.  Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003; 14: 100-105.

Atkinson RW, Strachan DP.  Role of outdoor aeroallergens in asthma exacerbations:  epidemiological evidence.  Thorax 2004; 59: 277-278.

Bagni N, Davies RR, Mallea M, Nolard, N, Spieksma FT, Stix E. Sporenkonzentrationen in Städten der Europäischen Gemeninschaft (EG) II Cladosporium- und Alternaria- sporen. Acta Allergologica 1977; 32: 118-138.

Barnes C, Pacheco F, Landuyt J, Hu F, Portnoy J.  Hourly variation of airborne ragweed pollen in Kansas City.  Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2001; 86: 166-171.

Barnes C, Schreiber K, Pacheco F, Landuyt J, Hu F, Portnoy J.  Comparison of outdoor allergenic particles and allergen levels.  Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 2000; 84: 47-54.

Black PN, Udy AA, Brodie SM.  Sensitivity to fungal allergens is a risk factor for life-threatening asthma.  Allergy 2000; 55:  501-504.

Boulet L-P, Cartier A, Thomson NC, Roberts RS, Dolovich J, Hargreave FE.  Asthma and the increases in nonallergic bronchial responsiveness from seasonal pollen exposure.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 71:  399-406.

Burge HA, Rogers CA.  Outdoor Allergens.  Environmental Health Perspectives 2000; 108 (suppl 4):  653-659.

Burge HA.  Monitoring for airborne allergens.  Annals of Allergy 1992; 69: 9-18.

Burr ML, Emberlin JC, Treu R, Cheng S, Pearce NE, IASAAC Phase One Study Group. Pollen counts in relation to the prevalence of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma and atopic eczema in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33: 1675-1680.

Caiola MG, Mazzitelli A, Capucci E, Travaglini A.  Monitoring pollinosis and airborne pollen in a Rome university.  Aerobiologia 2002; 18: 267-275.

Chapman JA. How relevant are pollen and mold spore counts to clinical practice.  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2000; 84: 467-468

Comtois P, Gagnon L. Concentration pollinque et frequence des symtomes de pollinose: une methode pour determiner les suils cliniques. Rev. fr. Allergol; 1988, 28: 279-288

Connell JT.  Quantitative intranasal pollen challenge.  II  Effect of daily pollen challenge, environmental pollen exposure, and placebo challenge on the nasal membrane.  J Allergy 1968; 41:  123-139.

Connell JT.  Quantitative intranasal pollen challenges.  III  The priming effect in allergic rhinitis.  J Allergy 1969; 43:  33-44.

Creticos PS, Peters SP, Adkinson NF, Naclerio RM, Hayes EC, Norman PS, Lichtenstein LM.  Peptide leukotriene release after antigen challenge in patients sensitive to ragweed.  New England Journal of Medicine 1984; 310: 1626-1630.

Dales RE, Cakmak S, Burnett RT, Judek S, Coates F, Brook JR.  Influence of ambient fungal spore son emergency visits for asthma to a regional children’s hospital.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 162:  2087-2090.

Dales RE, Cakmak S, Judek S, Dann T, Coates F, Brook JR, Burnett RT.  Influence of outdoor aeroallergens on hospitalization for asthma in Canada.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004; 113: 303-306.

Dales RE, Cakmak S, Judek S, Dann T, Coates F, Brook JR, Burnett RT.  The role of fungal spores in thunderstorm asthma. Chest 2003; 123: 745-750.

D'Amato G, Liccari G, D'Amato M, Holgate S. Environmental risk factors and allergic bronchial asthma Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2005; 35: 1113-1124.

D'Amato G, Russo M, Liccardi G, Saggese M, Gentili M, Mistrello G, D'Amato M, Falagiani P.  Comparison between outdoor and indoor airborne allergenic activity.  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996; 77: 147-152.

D'Amato G, Spieksma FThM, Aerobiologic and clinical aspects of mould allergy in Europe. Allergy 1995; 50:879-877

D'Amato G.  Detection of Parietaria judaica airborne allergenic activity:  comparison between immunochemical and morphological methods including clinical evaluation.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1994; 24: 566-574.

D'Amato G.  Urban air pollution and plant-derived respiratory allergy.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2000; 30: 628-636.

D'Amato G. Airborne paucimicronic allergen-carrying particles and seasonal respiratory allergy. Allergy 2001; 56:1109-1111

Davies RR, Smith IP.  Forecasting the start and severity of the hay fever season.  Clinical Allergy 1973; 3: 263-267.

Day JH and Briscoe M. Environmental exposure unit: a system to test anti-allergic treatment. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1999; 83: 83-93.

Day JH, Briscoe M, Widlitz MD.  Cetirizine, loratadine, or placebo in subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis:  effects after controlled ragweed pollen challenge in an environmental exposure unit.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 101: 638-645.

Day JH, Briscoe MP, Rafeiro E, Ellis AK, Pettersson E, Akerlund A.  Onset of action of intranasal budesonide (Rhinocort Aqua) in seasonal allergic rhinitis studied in a controlled exposure model.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000; 105:  489-494.

Delfino RJ, Coate BD, Zeiger RS, Seltzer JM, Street DH, Koutrakis P.  Daily asthma severity in relation to personal ozone exposure and outdoor fungal spores.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996; 154: 633-641.

Delfino RJ, Zeiger RS, Seltzer JM, Street DH, Matteucci RM, Anderson PR, Koutrakis P.  The effect of outdoor fungal spore concentrations on daily asthma severity.  Environ Health Perspect  1997; 105:  622-635.

Donovan JP, Buckeridge DL, Briscoe MP, Clark RH, Day JH.  Efficacy of immunotherapy to ragweed antigen tested by controlled antigen exposure.  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996; 77: 74-80.

Downs SH, Mitakakis TZ, Marks GB, Car NG, Belousova EG, Leuppi JD, Xuan W, Downie SR, Tobias A, Peat JK.  Clinical importance of Alternaria exposure in children.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 164:  455-459.

Epton MJ, Martin IR, Graham P, Healy PE, Smith H, Balasubramaniam R, Harvey IC, Fountain DW, Hedly J, Town GI.  Climate and aeroallergen levels in asthma:  a 12 month prospective study.  Thorax 1997; 52: 528-534.

Fahlbusch B, Hornung D, Heinrich J, Dahse H-M, Jager L.  Quantification of group 5 grass pollen allergens in house dust.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2000; 30:  1645-1652.

Ferriero M, Dopazo A, Aira MJ.  Incidence of pollinosis in the city of A Coruna:  correlation with aerobiological data.  J Invest Allergol Clin Immunol 2002; 12: 124-129.

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Fontana VJ, Indyk L, Zanjanian M. Ragweed pollen challenges in a controlled environment. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1974; 54: 235-243

Frankland AW.  The pollen count and the patient.  Ind J Aerobiol 1990; 3: 1-6.

Freidhoff LR, Ehrlich-Kautzky E, Meyers DA, Marsh DG.  A study of the human immune response to Lolium perenne (rye) pollen and its components, Lol p I and Lol p II (Rye I and Rye II).  II Longitudinal variation of antibody levels in relation to symptomatology and pollen exposure and correction of seasonally elevated antibody levels to basal values.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1987; 80:  646-655.

Frenz DA. Interpreting atmospheric pollen counts for use in clinical allergy:  allergic symptomology.  Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2001; 86: 150-158.

Freye HB, King J, Litwin CM.  Variations of pollen and mold concentrations in 1998 during the strong El Nino event of 1997-1998 and their impact on clinical exacerbations of allergic rhinitis, asthma, and sinusitis.  Allergy and Asthma Proceedings 2001; 22: 239-247.

Galan I, Tobias A, Banegas JR, Aranguez E. Short-term effects of air pollution on daily asthma emergecy room admissions. Eur. Respir J 2003; 22: 802-808.

Gauvreau GM, Lee JM, Watson RM, Irani A-M A, Schwarts LB, O’Byrne PM.  Increased numbers of both airway basophils and mast cells in sputum after allergen inhalation challenge of atopic asthmatics.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 1473-1478.

Gergen PJ, Turkeltaub PC.  The association of individual allergen reactivity with respiratory disease in a national sample:  Data from the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1976-80 (NHANES II).  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992; 90: 579-588.

Hauser R, Rice TM, Murtha GGM, Wand MP, Lewis D, Bledsoe T, Paulauskis J. The upper airway response to pollen is enhanced by exposure to combustion particles: A pilot human experimental challenge study. Environ Health Perspect 2003; 111: 472-477

Higgins BG, Francis HC, Yates C, Warburton CJ, Fletcher AM, Pickering CAC, Woodcock AA.  Environmental exposure to air pollution and allergens and peak flow changes.  Eur Respir J 2000; 16: 61-66.

Hill DJ, Smart IJ, Knox RB.  Childhood asthma and grass pollen aerobiology in Melbourne.  Med J Aust 1979; 1: 426-429.

Horner WE, Helbling A, Salvaggio JE, Lehrer SB.  Fungal Allergens.  Clinical Microbiology Reviews 1995; 8: 161-179.

Hyde HA.  Atmospheric pollen and spores in relation to allergy. I. Clinical Allergy 1972; 2: 153-179.

Ivey MA, Simeon DT, Monteil MA.  Climatic variables are associated with seasonal acute asthma admissions to accident and emergency room facilities in Trinidad, West Indies.  Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33: 1526-1530.

Jarjour NN.  Circadian variation in allergen and nonspecific bronchial responsiveness in asthma.  Chronobiology International 1999; 16: 631-639.

Jones G, Brantley P, Hebert R, Kidd III J, Shadravan I, McClure J, Thomason B.  Air quality and respiratory functioning in children with pulmonary disorders.  J La State Med Soc 1994; 146: 455-461.

Knox RB, Suphioglu C, Taylor P, Desai R, Watson HC, Peng JL, Bursill LA.  Major grass pollen allergen Lol p 1 binds to diesel exhaust particles: implications for asthma and air pollution.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1997; 27: 246-251.

Kramer U, Weidinger S, Darsow U, Mohrenschlager M, Ring J, Behrindt H. Seasonality in symptom severity influenced by temperature or grass pollen: Results of a panel study in children with evzema. J Invest Dermatol 2005; 124: 514-523

Krug N, Loedding H, Hohlfeld JM, Larbig M, Buckendahl A, Badorrek P, Geldmacher H, Behnke W, Dunkhorst W, Windt H, Luettig B, Koch W. Validation of an environmental exposureunit for controlled human inhalation studies with grass pollen in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy 2003; 33: 1667-1674.

Lehrer SB, Hughes JM, Altman LC, Bousquet J, Davies RJ, Gel L, Li J, Lopez M, Malling HJ, Mathison DA, Sastre J, Schultze-Werninghaus G, Schwartz HJ.  Prevalence of basidiomycete allergy in the USA and Europe and its relationship to allergic respiratory symptoms.  Allergy 1994; 49: 460-465.

Levetin E, Van de Water P. Environmental contributions to allergic disease. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2001; 1:506-514

Lewis SA, Corden JM, Forster GE, Newlands M.  Combined effects of aerobiological pollutants, chemical pollutants and meterological conditions on asthma admissions and A & E attendances in Derbyshire UK, 1993-96.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2000; 30: 1724-1732.

Licorish K, Novey HS, Kozak P, Fairshter RD, Wilson AF.  Role of Alternaria and Penicillium spores in the pathogenesis of asthma.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1985; 76:  819-825.

Lierl MB, Hornung RW. Relationship of outdoor air quality to pediatric asthma exacerbations. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2003; 90: 28-33.

Lopez M, Voigtlander JR, Lehrer SB, Salvaggio JE.  Bronchoprovocation studies in basidiospore-sensitive allergic subjects with asthma.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1989; 84: 242-246.

Marcucci F, Sensi LG, Migali E, Coniglio G. Eosinophil cationic protein and specific IgE in serum and nasal mucosa of patients with grass-pollen-allergic rhinitis and asthma. Allergy 2001; 56: 231-236.

Mitman G. A history of pollen mapping and surveillance: the relations between natural history and clinical allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004: 1230-1235.

Muilenberg ML, Wagner C, Rogers CA, Burge H.  Spore concentration categories for Burkard spore traps.  2000 AAAAI Pollen and Spore Report 2000: 205-210.

Neas LM, Dockery DW, Burge H, Koutrakis P, Speizer FE.  Fungus spores, air pollutants, and other determinants of peak expiratory flow rate in children.  Am J Epidemiol 1996; 143: 797-807.

Negrini AC, Voltolini S, Troise C, Arobba D.  Comparison between Urticaceae (Parietaria) pollen count and hay fever symptoms:  assessment of a threshold-value.  Aerobiologia 1992; 8: 325-329.

Newhouse C, Levetin E. Correlation of Environmental Factors with Asthma and Rhinitis Symptoms in Tulsa, OK. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2004; 92: 356-366.

Newson R, Strachan D, Archibald E, Emerlin J, Hardaker P, Collier C. Effects of thuderstorms and airborne grass pollen on the incidence of acute astham in England, 1990-94. Thorax 1997; 52:680-685. 

Newson R, Strachan D, Corden J, Millington W.  Fungal and other spore counts as predictors of admissions for asthma in the Trent region.  Occup Environ Med 2000; 57: 786-792.

Nielsen GD, Hansen JS, Lund RM, Bergqvist M, Larsen ST, Clausen SK, Thygesen P, Poulsen OM.  IgE-mediated asthma and rhinitis I:  a role of allergen exposure?  Pharmacology and Toxicology 2002; 90: 231-242.

O’Hollaren MT, Yunginger JW, Offord KP, Somers MJ, O’Connell EJ, Ballard DJ, Sachs MI.  Exposure to an aeroallergen as a possible precipitating factor in respiratory arrest in young patients with asthma.  New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 324: 359-363.

O’Rourke MK, Quackenboss JJ, Lebowitz MD. An epidemiological approach investigation respiratory disease response in sensitive individuals to indoor and outdoor pollen exposure in Tucson, Arizona. Aerobiologia 1989; 5: 104-110.

Piette V, Bousquet C, Kvedariene V, Dhivert-Donnadiew H, Crampette L, Senac J-P, Bousquet J, Demoly P. Sinus CT scans and mediator release in nasal secretions after nasal challenge with cypress pollens.  Allergy 2004; 59: 863-868.

Portnoy J, Barnes C.  Clinical relevance of spore and pollen counts.  Immunol Allergy Clin N Am 2003; 23: 389-410.

Portnoy J.  What do pollen counts mean?  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2004;93: 109-110.

Riediker M, Monn C, Koller T, Stahel WA, Wuthrich, R. Air pollutants enhance rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms in pollen-allergic individuals. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2001; 87: 311-318.

Riera MD, Cerda MT, Martin J.  A correlation study between airborne pollen and cases of pollinosis in humans.  Aerobiologia 2002; 18: 169-173.

Roberts G, Hurley C, Bush A, Lack G. Longitudinal study of grass pollen exposure, symptoms, and exhaled nitric oxide in childhood seasonal allergic asthma. Thorax  2004; 59:752-756.

Rosas I, McCartney HA, Payne RW, Calderon C, Lacey J, Chapela R, Ruiz-Velazco S. Analysis of the relationships between environmental factors (aeroallergens, air pollution, and weather) and asthma emergency admissions to a hospital in Mexico City. Allergy 1998; 53: 394-401.

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Ross MA, Persky VW, Scheff PA, Chung J, Curtis L, Ramakrishnan V, Wadden RA, Hryhorczuk DO. Effect of ozone and aeroallergens on the respiratory health of asthmatics. Archives of Environmental Health 2002; 57: 568-578.

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Schappi GF, Suphioglu C, Taylor PE, Knox RB.  Concentrations of the major birch tree allergen Bet v 1 in pollen and respirable fine particles in the atmosphere.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997; 100: 656-661.

Schappi GF, Taylor PE, Kenrick J, Staff IA, Suphioglu C.  Predicting the grass pollen count from meteorological data with regard to estimating the severity of hayfever symptoms in Melbourne (Australia).  Aerobiologia 1998; 14: 29-37.

Schappi GF, Taylor PE, Pain MCF, Cameron PA, Dent AW, Staff IA, Suphioglu C.  Concentrations of major grass group 5 allergens in pollen grains and atmospheric particles:  implications for hay fever and allergic asthma sufferers sensitized to grass pollen allergens.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1999; 29: 633-641.

Schappi GF, Taylor PE, Staff IA, Rolland JM, Suphioglu C.  Immunologic significance of respirable atmospheric starch granules containing major birch allergen Bet v 1.  Allergy 1999; 54: 478-483.

Solomon WR.  Airborne pollen: A brief life. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109:895-900

Solomon WR.  Ragweed pollinosis:  answers awaiting explanations.  Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2001; 86: 141-142.

Spieksma FThM, Kramps JA, Van Der Linden AC, Nikkels BH, Plomp A, Koerten HK, Dijkman JH.  Evidence of grass-pollen allergenic activity in the smaller micronic atmospheric aerosol fraction.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1990; 20: 273-280. 

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Suphioglu C, Singh MB, Taylor P, Bellomo R, Holmes P, Puy R, Knox RB.  Mechanism of grass-pollen-induced asthma.  The Lancet 1992; 339: 569-572.

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Tobias A, Galan I, Banegas JR, Aranguez E.  Short term effects of airborne pollen concentrations on asthma epidemic.  Thorax 2003; 58: 708-710.

Tobias A, Galan I, Banegas JR.  Non-linear short-term effects of airborne pollen levels with allergenic capacity on asthma emergency room admissions in Madrid, Spain.  Clin Exp allergy 2004; 34: 871-878.

Venables KM, Allit U, Collier CG, Emberlin J, Greig JB, Hardaker PJ, Highham JH, Laing-Morton T, Maynard RL, Murray V, Strachan D, Tee RD. Thunderstorm-related asthma—the epidemic of 24/25 June 1994.  Clin Exp Allergy 1997; 27: 725-736.

Vinckier S, Smets E. The potential role of orbicules as a vector of allergens. Allergy 2001; 56: 1129-1136

von Mutius E. The environmental predictors of allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000; 105: 9-19.

Waisel Y, Mienis Z, Kosman E, Geller-Bernstein C.  The partial contribution of specific airborne pollen to pollen induced allergy.  Aerobiologia 2004; 20: 197-208.

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Wu LYF, Steidle GM, Meador MA, Fosso CK, McDowell LJ, Shin RB, Holbreich M.  Effect of tree and grass pollens and fungal spores on spring allergic rhinitis:  a comparative study.  Ann Allergy, Asthma, and Immunol 1999; 83: 137-143.