Davies RR, Smith IP

Papers Related to Threshold Values


Bagni N, Davies RR, Mallea M, Nolard, N, Spieksma FT, Stix E. Sporenkonzentrationen in Städten der Europäischen Gemeninschaft (EG) II Cladosporium- und Alternaria- sporen. Acta Allergologica 1977; 32: 118-138.

Comtois P, Gagnon L. Concentration pollinque et frequence des symtomes de pollinose: une methode pour determiner les suils cliniques. Rev. fr. Allergol; 1988, 28: 279-288

D'Amato G, Spieksma FThM, Aerobiologic and clinical aspects of mould allergy in Europe. Allergy 1995; 50:879-877

Davies RR, Smith IP.  Forecasting the start and severity of the hay fever season.  Clinical Allergy 1973; 3: 263-267.

Florido JF, Delgado PG, de san Pedro BS, Quiralte J, de Saavedra JMA, Peralta V, Valenzuela LR.  High levels of Olea europaea pollen and relation with clinical findings.  Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1999; 119: 133-137.

Fontana VJ, Indyk L, Zanjanian M. Ragweed pollen challenges in a controlled environment. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1974; 54: 235-243

Frankland AW.  The pollen count and the patient.  Ind J Aerobiol 1990; 3: 1-6.

Negrini AC, Voltolini S, Troise C, Arobba D.  Comparison between Urticaceae (Parietaria) pollen count and hay fever symptoms:  assessment of a threshold-value.  Aerobiologia 1992; 8: 325-329.

Waisel Y, Mienis Z, Kosman E, Geller-Bernstein C.  The partial contribution of specific airborne pollen to pollen induced allergy.  Aerobiologia 2004; 20: 197-208.