The University of Tulsa

Mountain Cedar Pollen Forecast

Metropolitan Area

Exposure Risk

Dallas/Fort Worth



Moderate to High

San Antonio

Moderate to High


Date Issued: 6 February 2007

Mountain Cedar Location(s): Edwards Plateau, Texas

Regional Weather: Tues and Wed, Feb 6 and 7. TX/OK: Clear to partly cloudy skies and warm temperatures will be in place today across Oklahoma and Texas. Daytime highs will be the upper 60s to low 70s with moderate southwest to gusty winds. Night time lows will range from the low 30s to the low 50s. On Wednesday another cold front moves thorough Oklahoma dropping temperatures back into the 40s with moderate northeast winds and partly cloudy skies. Temperatures in Teas will remain warm on Wednesday with highs in the 60s and 70s and partly cloudy skies and southerly winds.

Trajectory weather: The air mass trajectories from the eastern side of the Edwards Plateau Texas move to the north and then curve to the east. Trajectories from the western side of the Plateau move to the northeast and then turn back to the southwest tomorrow. The trajectories from the east side of the Plateau show moderate characteristics for entrainment and travel; those from the west side show poor characteristics. Conditions at the source areas on the Plateau are favorable for pollen release. Wednesday's trajectories move to the northeast and turn to the east. Trajectory characteristics continue to show moderate characteristics for entrainment and travel. Conditions at the source areas will be favorable for pollen release.

OUTLOOK: *** Moderate to High threat *** Cold morning temperatures will limit pollen release to the afternoon hours. Winds will be light and pollen

Trajectory Start (s) (shown by * on map): Austin, TX; Junction, TX; San Angelo, TX.




Prepared by: Estelle Levetin (Faculty of Biological Science, The University of Tulsa, 600 S. College, Tulsa, OK 74104). This forecast gives the anticipated future track of released Mountain Cedar pollen, weather conditions over the region and along the forecast pathway, and an estimated time of arrival for various metropolitan areas.


Questions: Aerobiology Lab e-mail:


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