Comtois P, Gagnon L

Papers Related to Ragweed Exposure


Barnes C, Pacheco F, Landuyt J, Hu F, Portnoy J.  Hourly variation of airborne ragweed pollen in Kansas City.  Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2001; 86: 166-171.

Boulet L-P, Cartier A, Thomson NC, Roberts RS, Dolovich J, Hargreave FE.  Asthma and the increases in nonallergic bronchial responsiveness from seasonal pollen exposure.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 71:  399-406.

Comtois P, Gagnon L. Concentration pollinque et frequence des symtomes de pollinose: une methode pour determiner les suils cliniques. Rev. fr. Allergol; 1988, 28: 279-288

Connell JT.  Quantitative intranasal pollen challenge.  II  Effect of daily pollen challenge, environmental pollen exposure, and placebo challenge on the nasal membrane.  J Allergy 1968; 41:  123-139.

Connell JT.  Quantitative intranasal pollen challenges.  III  The priming effect in allergic rhinitis.  J Allergy 1969; 43:  33-44.

Creticos PS, Peters SP, Adkinson NF, Naclerio RM, Hayes EC, Norman PS, Lichtenstein LM.  Peptide leukotriene release after antigen challenge in patients sensitive to ragweed.  New England Journal of Medicine 1984; 310: 1626-1630.

Day JH and Briscoe M. Environmental exposure unit: a system to test anti-allergic treatment. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1999; 83: 83-93.

Day JH, Briscoe M, Widlitz MD.  Cetirizine, loratadine, or placebo in subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis:  effects after controlled ragweed pollen challenge in an environmental exposure unit.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 101: 638-645.

Day JH, Briscoe MP, Rafeiro E, Ellis AK, Pettersson E, Akerlund A.  Onset of action of intranasal budesonide (Rhinocort Aqua) in seasonal allergic rhinitis studied in a controlled exposure model.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000; 105:  489-494.

Donovan JP, Buckeridge DL, Briscoe MP, Clark RH, Day JH.  Efficacy of immunotherapy to ragweed antigen tested by controlled antigen exposure.  Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996; 77: 74-80.

Fontana VJ, Indyk L, Zanjanian M. Ragweed pollen challenges in a controlled environment. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1974; 54: 235-243

Gauvreau GM, Lee JM, Watson RM, Irani A-M A, Schwarts LB, O’Byrne PM.  Increased numbers of both airway basophils and mast cells in sputum after allergen inhalation challenge of atopic asthmatics.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 1473-1478.

Hauser R, Rice TM, Murtha GGM, Wand MP, Lewis D, Bledsoe T, Paulauskis J. The upper airway response to pollen is enhanced by exposure to combustion particles: A pilot human experimental challenge study. Environ Health Perspect 2003; 111: 472-477

O’Rourke MK, Quackenboss JJ, Lebowitz MD. An epidemiological approach investigation respiratory disease response in sensitive individuals to indoor and outdoor pollen exposure in Tucson, Arizona. Aerobiologia 1989; 5: 104-110.

Rosenberg GL, Rosenthal RR, Norman P.  Inhalation challenge with ragweed pollen in ragweed-sensitive asthmatics.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 71: 302-310.

Salvaggio J, Seabury J, Schoenhardt EA. New Orleans asthma V. Relationship between Charity Hospital asthma admission rates, semiquantitative pollen and fungal spore counts, and total particulate aerometric sampling data.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 1971; 48: 86-114.

Solomon WR.  Ragweed pollinosis:  answers awaiting explanations.  Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 2001; 86: 141-142.